Friday, February 13, 2009


Hello and welcome to my blog! here i will post random things about my intrests or things with work... i know... sad isn't it? Random things i post is pretty self explanitory, but when it comes to work i will post things like:
- GML scripts
- Sprites

- Graphic Design

- Concept Art
- Updates on current projects
That is ALL i will try to post on here. Due to the fact that this is my first post i will not have anything for you to veiw besides this peice of graphic art i made using GIMP (a software for art and other graphic needs...)!

(you may have to click the image to see the fully enlarged peice)
Below i would like you to rate this peice of work i did! (+, -, = )


(Or as most know me as -GG-)

1 comment:

  1. A supernova, yes... ...but I wonder if this is what we see when we die?
