Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A new peice and a new userbar!

Well! lets start off with this new peice that is slightly more simple than the Mac lepord preset wallpaper...

(i used a "gradient flare" if you want to know what or how i got the shiney looking planet there. Again a 800x600 wallpaper and 100% made by me and for free!!

Now for my new userbar that i will be using on Deviant Art:

I bet some of you guys noticed the little "-GG-" in red in the lower right hand corner, That is my username for game making. and "OX-XO" dosen't mean kiss hug - hug kiss. Thanks



Sunday, March 1, 2009

Best Work Yet!!

Today i was sorta bored so i decided to make a new peice of graphic art (which incidentally is another wallpaper...)!! Rather than my last background that fits many themes, this certain one only fits a few. This background is a Windows Vista Custom Background made by me.

Not credited and full of light, two of the things i really like about art.



Friday, February 27, 2009

2 in 1!

Well... i have some more stuff to post and i thought that i would have a 2 in 1 post. To start us off i (like i promised) here is my current desktop!

(you may need to resize or click on it to see the FULL pic.)

The next thing on our list is my newest papercraft project! i am currently working on the head, body, and the backpack. I still need to finish the arms, but the legs, top body, and the backpack itself is completed. i wish i could post a in progress picture but it isn't working right now =[ . Later this week i may try to get a guide for the Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker, pot and the Legend Of Zelda: Majora's Mask, Mask Salesmen (left). So be on the lookout for some guide and other cool stuff i am working on!


Thursday, February 26, 2009


WOW! look at this one!!

That was made by ME!! and it is a 800x600 wallpaper if anyone would like to use it feel free! it looks really nice and clean with windows vista, updated XP, and alienware themes!
i will post a pic of MY desktop tomorrow... Untill then, im out!


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Slash 2!! (With gradient tutorial!)

Hey! last night i was looking things up about GIMP and found that making custom gradients is useful when trying to use a filter to create one of the givin images. I made a peice of that using a custom, black to dark red, gradient. When you open up GIMP do Ctrl+G and make a new gradient. Right click and change the start and end colors. Next go to filters> render> natural> flame> Chose flame> Click on gradients> Custom Gradient. Then the colors you choose will snap to the image they gave you! neat!

(Message me for the uncredited one or the .xcf file)
If you used the black to dark red gradient like i did this should be somthing like my one i created (depending on how dark you choose the red to be or what type of flame you got)



Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Mini-Gameboy papercraft!

Hey!! i haven't had a post in a while because i've been working on my latest project... But i didn't fail to bring you guys something that you can look at... i posted a custom made Gameboy (the first) papercraft! i made this all by myself with MS paint and it is really small and it is hard to make with normal paper so i suggest that you use cardstock.

it can get hard at times but stick with this paper craft, you will get it!


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Abtract Art 1 and 2

Yet again i succeed to bore you with my pointless art! but just posting these two peices of Abstract Graphic Art done on GIMP (an art program) Art 1
Art 2

Hope you enjoy! (please leave a comment saying how i did! + , - , or =)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Anybody want it?

Hello! i was on the computer last night and i found myself sitting on MS paint making an icon set that i knew i was never going to use... I have no clue why i was but i just decided to lol... If anybody wants it or think they may use it feel free to! no credit needed! neat!

So that is basically it! have a nice Valentines day!

Friday, February 13, 2009


Hello and welcome to my blog! here i will post random things about my intrests or things with work... i know... sad isn't it? Random things i post is pretty self explanitory, but when it comes to work i will post things like:
- GML scripts
- Sprites

- Graphic Design

- Concept Art
- Updates on current projects
That is ALL i will try to post on here. Due to the fact that this is my first post i will not have anything for you to veiw besides this peice of graphic art i made using GIMP (a software for art and other graphic needs...)!

(you may have to click the image to see the fully enlarged peice)
Below i would like you to rate this peice of work i did! (+, -, = )


(Or as most know me as -GG-)